This website is the work of Andrew Leonard and Fred Rumsey
For some years many of us have been going to the Macaronesian Islands to look at the ferns of this region. Many of the islands are well known to British and European holiday makers and are thus easy to get to. Despite mass tourism, many of the islands retain a great deal of charm and interest in their own right.
This website is a result of several years of journeys, holidays, explorations and photography
The list of pteridophytes used in this website is based on Sommerfeltia 17 by A. Hansen & P. Sunding, Flora of Macaronesia, Checklist of Vascular Plants, 4. Revised edition, 1993, ISBN 82-7420-019-5, ISSN 0800-6865.
An extract of the Pteridophyte pages can be found here
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